Boogie vom Webachtal has now IPO2

Boogie vom Webachtal, today got her IPO2 (with the best score of the show-line dogs entered in the Prüfung). Boogie is HD normal, ED normal, DNA geprüft, Kkl. 1 Lebenzeit, IPO2, V71 BSZS 2012, V73 BSZS 2013, and mother of 6 beautiful puppies (now 7 months old) with Pacco vom Langenbungert. All the above at…

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Dalì vom Wabachtal today

smartphone picture (not retouched, only cropped to remove the ugly face in the background), Dali is looking slightly against camera so the head looks smaller than it actually is. also the forehand is not correctly positioned and so the upper arm looks shorter and less inclined than in reality. this is the actual head (again,…

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Dalì vom Webachtal @ the Saturday Market

Dali vom Webachtal (Pacco Langenbungert x Boogie Webachtal), today at the market. 5months and a half, sorry for the smartphone picture which is not professional (and not retouched), bad lights on the dog, my hands on the hooks and the ugly harness :). Those who know, will understand the dog anyway 🙂

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Cina vom Webachtal, today

Natural pose (no handler behind her) and photographed with a normal smartphone, not retouched picture. The upper arm is hidden by the head and neck turned towards the camera: she has a better upper arm than shoulder. Bella Cina! Posa naturale (nessun piazzatore dietro Cina) e fotografata con un normale telefono. L’omero non è ben…

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Meteo Kennel – Meteo Webachtal – Meteo Firenze

From today, our Webachtal kennel has a super Davis Vantage Vue meteo station, that you can check, live, at Internal temperature values reflects the status in the console you see on the top left of the image (on the top right there is air conditioning and a thermostat for the winter heating system, but…

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Dalì vom Webachtal 86days old

Smartphone picture, not retouched (ask me the raw file!) of Dalì vom Webachtal at 86 days. With his new Julius K9 red harness, “Mini” size 🙂 Foto fatta col cellulare (domandatemi il file originale se non mi credete!) di Dalì vom Webachtal a 86gg di vita, con la sua pettorina da cuccioli, un attesa della…

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